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No Refund and No Return Policy

Thank you for shopping at Sibato.com . We strive to provide you with high-quality digital products and services. However, please note that all sales are final, and we do not offer refunds or returns for any reason except as required by law. If a refund is issued due to exceptional circumstances, it will be processed within 15 days of approval.

Digital Products

Due to the nature of digital products, once a purchase is made and the product is delivered, it cannot be returned or refunded. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Software licenses
  • E-books
  • Graphic designs
  • Music tracks
  • Templates
  • Courses
  • Any other downloadable or digital content

Licensing and Usage Rights

When you purchase a digital product from Sibato.com, you are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the product for your personal or commercial purposes, as outlined in the product’s license agreement. You may not redistribute, resell, or modify the product without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.


In rare cases where a product is defective or does not perform as described, we may, at our discretion, offer a replacement or issue a refund. If you believe you are eligible for an exception, please contact our customer support team at support@sibato.com within 10 days of purchase, providing detailed information about the issue.


By completing a purchase on Sibato.com, you acknowledge and agree to our No Refund and No Return Policy.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our refund policy, please contact us at:

Email : support@sibato.com

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